Olarak, tarafsızlık , nesnellik, gizlilik ve profesyonellik esas aldığımız değerlerdir.

Olarak, tarafsızlık , nesnellik, gizlilik ve profesyonellik esas aldığımız değerlerdir.

Olarak, tarafsızlık , nesnellik, gizlilik ve profesyonellik esas aldığımız değerlerdir.

Olarak, tarafsızlık , nesnellik, gizlilik ve profesyonellik esas aldığımız değerlerdir.

Sertifikasyonlar Etko International
COSMOS Certification
COSMOS Certification
COSMOS Certification
Moving from the idea of establishing local certification institutions of each country supported by the leading organizations of the organic sector, ETKO was established in 1996 as a local certification institution in central Izmir and conducts international audit and certification processes. Other countries it operates are: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ukraine, Korea, China, Denmark, Germany, Syria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Romania, Sweden, Bulgaria, Russia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. In 1996, it started the certification process with the authorization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in 2003, USDA was accredited from the IOAS International Organic Accreditation Agency in 2005.
GLOBALGAP_Product_List_General Information_v5_20_en
GLOBALGAP_Product_List_General Information_v5_20_en
GLOBALGAP_Product_List_General Information_v5_20_en
Change Announcement Regarding ISO/DIS 5354-1.2, ISO/TS 5354-2 and IWA 32:2019
Change Announcement Regarding ISO/DIS 5354-1.2, ISO/TS 5354-2 and IWA 32:2019
Change Announcement Regarding ISO/DIS 5354-1.2, ISO/TS 5354-2 and IWA 32:2019
TE-201-V2024.7 Document List - Public
TE-201-V2024.7 Document List - Public
TE-201-V2024.7 Document List - Public
ASR-221-V2024.6 Calibration Log
ASR-221-V2024.6 Calibration Log
ASR-221-V2024.6 Calibration Log
Using of GTB-issued licence numbers and GTB-issued TC number
Using of GTB-issued licence numbers and GTB-issued TC number
Using of GTB-issued licence numbers and GTB-issued TC number