GRS Standard

Etko Dokümanları
Kontrol ve Sertifikasyon Süreci

The Global Recycled Standard (GRS)

The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is an international, voluntary, full product standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of Recycled Content, chain of custody, social and environmental practices, and chemical restrictions.

The goal of the GRS is to increase use of Recycled materials in products and reduce/eliminate the harm caused by its production. Additionally to reduce harmful impact of production to people and the environment, provide assurance that materials in the final product are actually Recycled and processed more sustainably and to drive innovation in addressing quality issues in the use of Recycled materials.

The Global Recycled Standard is intended for use with any product that contains at least 20% Recycled Material. Each stage of production is required to be certified, beginning at the recycling stage and ending at the last seller in the final business-to-business transaction.

ETKO offers GRS certification service for textile industry.



  • Textile products
  • Leather products
  • Paper products
  • Plastic products


      • Albania
      • Austria
      • Australia
      • Azerbaijan
      • Bangladesh
      • Belgium
      • Bosnia
      • Bulgaria
      • Cambodia
      • Canada
      • China
      • Croatia
      • Cyprus
      • Czech Republic
      • Denmark
      • Egypt
      • Estonia
      • Finland
      • France
      • Germany
      • Greece
      • Hong Kong
      • Hungary
      • Ireland
      • Italy
      • Kazakhstan
      • Kuwait
      • Kyrgyzstan
      • Latvia
      • Lithuania
      • Luxemburg
      • Macao
      • Malta
      • Moldova
      • Morocco
      • Netherlands
      • New Zealand
      • North Macedonia
      • Norway
      • Pakistan
      • Poland
      • Portugal
      • Qatar
      • Romania
      • Russia
      • Saudi Arabia
      • Serbia
      • Slovakia
      • Slovenia
      • South Korea
      • Spain
      • Sri Lanka
      • Sweden
      • Switzerland
      • Tajikistan
      • Tunisia
      • Turkey
      • Turkmenistan
      • United Arab Emirates
      • United Kingdom
      • Ukraine
      • USA
      • Uzbekistan
      • Vietnam
TE-401-V1.0-Supplier-Certification-Toolkit GRS-101-V4.0-Global-Recycled-Standard GRS-102-V4.0-GRS-Certification-Procedures TE-402-V1.0-Brand-and-Retailer-Certification-Toolkit Document List ASR-213-Materials-Processes-and-Products-Classification CCS-201-V3.0-CCS-User-Manual Terms and Definitions for Textile Exchange Standards and Related Documents CCS-Content Claim Standard Certification Procedures CCS-101-V3.1-Content-Claim-Standard ASR-109a-V3.2 Guidance: Auditing During the COVID-19 Pandemic LIA-111-V0.1-Standards-Benchmark-Approval-Process LIA-112-V0.1-Standards-Management-Criteria LIA-121-V0.1-Animal-Welfare-Standards-Benchmark LIA-141-V0.2-DCF-Protocol LIA-161-V0.1-Leather-Production-Environmental-Standards-Benchmark LIA-162-V0.1-Leather-Production-Social-Standards-Benchmark LIA-211-V0.2-LIA-Verification-Manual LIA-212-V0.1-LIA-Corporate-Commitment-Guide GRS-211-V4.0-Reclaimed-Material-Supplier-Agreement GRS-212-V4.0-Reclaimed-Material-Declaration-Form GRS-403-V4.0-Quick-Guide-to-the-RCS-and-GRS TE-405-V1.0-Quick-Guide-to-Product-Labeling-and-CCS-3.0 TE-405-V1.0-Quick-Guide-to-Product-Labeling-and-CCS-3.0 GRS-202-V1.0-Textile-Exchange-Guide-to-Recycled-Inputs Guidance: Mechanical Recycling of Cotton Quick Guide to Product Labelling & CCS 3.0 GRS-201-V4.2-GRS-Implementation-Manual Standards Logo Use Specifications ASR-104-V3.0-Policy-for-Transaction-Certificates ASR-110-V2.0-Complaints-and-Feedback-Policy Standards Claims Policy ASR-101-V2.0-Accreditation-Certification-Procedures-for-Textile-Exchange-Standards ASR-103-V3.0-Policy for Scope Certificates LIA-311-V0.1-LIA-Claims-Guide List of Banned Organizations V2022.5 LIA-213-V0.1-LIA-Document-Guide LIA-261-V0.1-Leather-Supply-Chain-Mapping-and-Traceability-Guidelines CCS-105-Policy for Alternative Volume Reconciliation ASR-107-V2023.0-Certification-Fee-Structure ASR-106-V2.3 Accepted Equivalent Standards Policy Textile Exchange Guidance Regarding the Suspension of CU India GRS-105-V4.0-GRS-Certification-for-Final-Products ASR-214-V1.1 Geographic Classification ASR-112-V2.0-Procedure-for-the-Withdrawal-of-Certification-Body-Licensing TE-201- Document List Public.V2023.3 CCS 105-Policy for Alternative Volume Reconci v3.1 CCS 102- Certification Procedures v3.1 TE 302-Standards Logo Use Specification V1.3 TE 301-Standards Claims Policy V1.3 GRS-105 Certification-for-Final-Products_V4.1 TE-201-Document List Public V2023.2 TE 201 Document List Public.v2023.1 TE-201- Document List - Public.V2023.4 ASR-221-V2023.7-Calibration-Log ASR-221-V2023.6-Calibration-Log ASR-225-V2023.3-List-of-Banned-Organizations ASR-107-Certification Fee Structure V2024.0 TE-406-V1.1 Quick Guide to Brand Certification and CCS-3.0 TE-201- Document List - Public.V2023. 6 ASR-221-V2023.9-Calibration-Log ASR-225-V2023.4 List of Banned Organization ASR-221-Calibration Log.V2023.10 TE-201-V2023.7-Document-List-Public ASR-221-V2023. 11 Calibration Log ASR-221-Calibration Log.V2023.8 TE-201-Document List Public.V2023.5 ASR-214- Geographic ClassificationV1.2 ASR-213-Materials, Processes and Products Classification V1.2 ASR-104-Policy for Transaction Certificates V3.1 TE-201-V2024.4 Document List - Public TE-201-V2024.5 Document List - Public ASR-221- V2024. 3 Calibration Log ASR-221- V2024. 3 Calibration Log ASR-106-V2.4-Accepted-Equivalent-Standards-Policy CCS-201-V3.1-CN-CCS-User-Manual-Chinese-中文 eTrackit Quick Guide for Brands ASR-221-V2024.1-Calibration-Log ASR-103-Policy for Scope Certificates V3.1 ASR 113-V1.0 Policy for the Use of eTrackit TE-201-V2024.1-Document-List-Public ASR-221- Calibration Log.V2024.2 CCS-201-V3.1- CCS-User-Manual TE-201- Document List Public.V2024.2 TE-201-V2024.6 Document List - Public ASR-114-V1.0-Audit-Methods-Policy TE-201-V2024.7 Document List - Public ASR-221-V2024.5 Calibration Log ASR-214-V1.3 Geographic Classification ASR-213-V1.3 Materials, Processes, and Products Classification ASR-221-V2024.4 Calibration Log ASR-221-V2024.6 Calibration Log ASR-225-V2024.1 List of Banned Organizations ASR-225-V2024.3 Certification Eligibility Policy and List of Banned Entities
ETKO Certification ServicesCatalogue of MeasuresApplication FormProduct Specification TextileTransaction Certificate Application Form TextileInstruction for Emergency SituationAnti-Bribery and Corruption PolicyAppeal&Complaint and Disputes.Statement of ImpartialityUse of Logo, Licences, Mark of ConformityTC ISSUING Application Form for Objection & Complaint & Appeal
Tekstil(GRS) ile İlgili Olarak Firmamız Doküman Listesini Bu Sayfamızdan indirebilirsiniz.
  1. Enter the enterprising here to make sure that the information about the product is written.
  2. Sending general information and application form at the first contact
  3. For the entrepreneur application and application form
  4. Preparing and submitting the price offer
  5. Approval of the price offer

  1. The entrepreneur should submit the document requested by ETKO as soon as possible.
  2. Entrepreneur transmits Production Information
  3. Entrepreneur Transmits Business Information (Operating lines, Layout Plan etc. other documents)
  4. Completing the Application File
  1. Check date and inspector determining
  2. Control and Sampling of Products
  3. Control of Enterprises (Warehouses, Documentation, Stock Status etc.)
  4. Control of Entry and Exit and Sales
  5. Preparation of the report of the control
The Personnel Involved in the Approval of Control and Control Reports cannot take place in Certification. Certification Committee is Completely Independent.
  1. Departing the Control Report
  2. Certification Committee Approval
  3. Submission of the Report and Certificate
  4. Beginning of Sales Transactions