ETKO, standardın organik üretim kurallarına uygun bir yönetim politikası altında olan ve sertifikalı ürüne yatırılan değeri koruma, geliştirme ve genişletme hedefleri doğrultusunda işlenen gıda ve gıda ürünleri, tekstil ve kozmetik ürünleri, deri, plastik, kağıt, kontrollü ahşap gibi ürünlerin doğrulanması amacıyla bağımsız olarak kurulmuş bir ürün belgelendirme kuruluşudur. Sertifikasyon programları, ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası standartlara/gereksinimlere uygun olarak yönetilmektedir. Halihazırda faaliyet gösterdiğimiz ETKO ofisleri Çin, Pakistan ve Bangladeş'tedir. Bunun dışında denetim yapılan diğer belli başlı ülkeler aşağıdaki linkten ulaşılabilen web sitemizde listelenmiş olup bunlardan bazıları Ukrayna, Güney Kore, Danimarka, Almanya, Suriye, Bosna Hersek, Kırgızistan, Sırbistan, Romanya, İsveç, Bulgaristan, Rusya, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, ABD ve Katar'dır.
ETKO sertifikasyon programı, organik üreticilere ve ticaret yapanlara danışmanlık yapan iki agronomist tarafından başlatılmıştır. Bu başlangıç, geliştirilecek olan kapsamlı program için nicel bir gündem oluşturmuştur. Belirli becerilerin eklenmesi ve uygun teknik ve yasal tavsiyelerle program dikkatlice geliştirilerek eksiksiz bir organik sertifikasyon hizmetine dönüştürülmüştür.
ETKO belgelendirme hizmetleri, uluslararası akreditasyon standartları olan ISO/IEC 17065:2012 gerekliliklerine uygundur.
Müşterilere belgelendirme programını tamamlayıcı hizmetler verilebilir, bu hizmetler danışmanlık içeremez. Bu bağlamda danışmanlık, müşteri için katma değerli ve anlamlı olması beklenen bir denetimin gereği olan mesleki ve teknik bilgi alışverişini içermez.
ETKO, müşterinin büyüklüğü, mali durumu, sahip olduğu sertifika sayısı gibi konularda ayrım yapmadan, ilgili standart ve gerekliliklere uygun olarak tüm potansiyel müşterilerine hizmet vermektedir. Başvuru ve belgelendirme süreçleri bilinçli olarak hızlandırılmamakta ya da yavaşlatılmamaktadır.
ETKO'nun programı, pazar dağıtımına girecek olan gerçek ürünün uluslararası bir standarda / düzenlemeye göre yetiştirildiğini ve / veya işlendiğini belgelemek için tasarlanmıştır. Ürünün yetiştirildiği araziden, ürünü yetiştiren üreticiye, ürünün temizlendiği, işlendiği ve depolandığı hasat sonrası tesislere kadar katkı zincirinin her adımı denetlenmeli ve belgelendirilmelidir. Bu sadece gıda ürünleri ile sınırlı olmayıp tekstil ipliği üretimi, giysiler, kimyasal ve diğer girdiler, işleme ve imalat için kullanılan aksesuarlar, plastik, deri, kağıt ve kontrollü ahşap ürünleri ve kozmetik, hijyen ve temizlik ürünleri ile ilgili işlemler gibi diğer tüm özel işlemler için de geçerlidir. Bu yaklaşım sayesinde, sertifikalı nihai ürünler, katkıda bulunan tüm malzemelerin ve/veya süreçlerin eşit ve ayrı ayrı sertifikalandırılmış olduğu güvenini taşır.
Bu programın temelinde, tüm katılımcıların tam inanç ve güvenini gerektirdiğinin açıkça anlaşılması yatmaktadır. Başvuru sahipleri programın tüm hüküm ve koşullarına uymakla yükümlüdür ve belgelendirmenin başlamasından önce bu yönde bir anlaşma imzalanmalıdır.
ETKO is an independent product certification organization developed specifically for the purpose of verifying of foods and food products, textile and cosmetic products, leather, plastic, paper, controlled wood which are under a management policy of organic production rules of the standard; and which are processed under goals of protecting, enhancing and extending the value invested in the certified product. Certification programs are managed in accordance with relevant national and international standards/requirements. ETKO offices, where we are currently active, are in China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Apart from this, other major countries where inspections are carried out are listed on our website, which can be accessed via the link below, and some of them are Ukraine, South Korea, Denmark, Germany, Syria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Romania, Sweden, Bulgaria, Russia, United Arab Emirates, USA and Qatar.
ETKO certification program was originated by two agronomists who were consulting for the organic producers and traders. This beginning set a quantitative agenda for the comprehensive program, which was to be developed. Through the addition of specific skills, and with appropriate technical and legal advice, the program has been carefully developed into a complete organic certification service.
ETKO certification services comply with the requirements of international accreditation standards, ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
Complementary services to certification program may be provided to clients, these services cannot include consultancy. In this respect, consultancy does not include professional and technical information exchange which is the requirement of an inspection which is expected to be value added and meaningful to the client.
ETKO provides its services to all potential clients complying with the relevant standards and requirements, not differentiating for the size, financial status, and number of certificates issued of the client. Application and certification processes are not accelerated nor slowed down consciously.
ETKO’s program is designed to certify, as having been grown and / or processed according to an international standard / regulation, the actual product, which is destined to enter into market distribution. Every step of the contributory chain from the land on which the product is grown, to the producer growing the product, to the post-harvest facilities cleaning, processing and storing the product must be inspected and certified. This is not limited to food products only but also applicable for any other specific processing such as for textile fiber production, garments, chemical and other inputs, accessories used for processing and manufacturing, plastic, leather, paper and controlled wood products, and for cosmetic, hygiene and cleaning products related processing. Through this approach, certified finished products can convey the confidence that all contributed materials and / or processes have been equally and individually certified.
Fundamental to this program is the explicit understanding that it requires the full faith and confidence of all participants. Applicants are obliged to adhere to all of the terms and conditions of the program; and an agreement to that effect must be executed prior to commencement of the certification.
ETKO is an independent product certification organization developed specifically for the purpose of verifying of foods and food products, textile and cosmetic products, leather, plastic, paper, controlled wood which are under a management policy of organic production rules of the standard; and which are processed under goals of protecting, enhancing and extending the value invested in the certified product. Certification programs are managed in accordance with relevant national and international standards/requirements. ETKO offices, where we are currently active, are in China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Apart from this, other major countries where inspections are carried out are listed on our website, which can be accessed via the link below, and some of them are Ukraine, South Korea, Denmark, Germany, Syria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Romania, Sweden, Bulgaria, Russia, United Arab Emirates, USA and Qatar.
ETKO certification program was originated by two agronomists who were consulting for the organic producers and traders. This beginning set a quantitative agenda for the comprehensive program, which was to be developed. Through the addition of specific skills, and with appropriate technical and legal advice, the program has been carefully developed into a complete organic certification service.
ETKO certification services comply with the requirements of international accreditation standards, ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
Complementary services to certification program may be provided to clients, these services cannot include consultancy. In this respect, consultancy does not include professional and technical information exchange which is the requirement of an inspection which is expected to be value added and meaningful to the client.
ETKO provides its services to all potential clients complying with the relevant standards and requirements, not differentiating for the size, financial status, and number of certificates issued of the client. Application and certification processes are not accelerated nor slowed down consciously.
ETKO’s program is designed to certify, as having been grown and / or processed according to an international standard / regulation, the actual product, which is destined to enter into market distribution. Every step of the contributory chain from the land on which the product is grown, to the producer growing the product, to the post-harvest facilities cleaning, processing and storing the product must be inspected and certified. This is not limited to food products only but also applicable for any other specific processing such as for textile fiber production, garments, chemical and other inputs, accessories used for processing and manufacturing, plastic, leather, paper and controlled wood products, and for cosmetic, hygiene and cleaning products related processing. Through this approach, certified finished products can convey the confidence that all contributed materials and / or processes have been equally and individually certified.
Fundamental to this program is the explicit understanding that it requires the full faith and confidence of all participants. Applicants are obliged to adhere to all of the terms and conditions of the program; and an agreement to that effect must be executed prior to commencement of the certification.
ETKO is an independent product certification organization developed specifically for the purpose of verifying of foods and food products, textile and cosmetic products, leather, plastic, paper, controlled wood which are under a management policy of organic production rules of the standard; and which are processed under goals of protecting, enhancing and extending the value invested in the certified product. Certification programs are managed in accordance with relevant national and international standards/requirements. ETKO offices, where we are currently active, are in China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Apart from this, other major countries where inspections are carried out are listed on our website, which can be accessed via the link below, and some of them are Ukraine, South Korea, Denmark, Germany, Syria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Romania, Sweden, Bulgaria, Russia, United Arab Emirates, USA and Qatar.
ETKO certification program was originated by two agronomists who were consulting for the organic producers and traders. This beginning set a quantitative agenda for the comprehensive program, which was to be developed. Through the addition of specific skills, and with appropriate technical and legal advice, the program has been carefully developed into a complete organic certification service.
ETKO certification services comply with the requirements of international accreditation standards, ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
Complementary services to certification program may be provided to clients, these services cannot include consultancy. In this respect, consultancy does not include professional and technical information exchange which is the requirement of an inspection which is expected to be value added and meaningful to the client.
ETKO provides its services to all potential clients complying with the relevant standards and requirements, not differentiating for the size, financial status, and number of certificates issued of the client. Application and certification processes are not accelerated nor slowed down consciously.
ETKO’s program is designed to certify, as having been grown and / or processed according to an international standard / regulation, the actual product, which is destined to enter into market distribution. Every step of the contributory chain from the land on which the product is grown, to the producer growing the product, to the post-harvest facilities cleaning, processing and storing the product must be inspected and certified. This is not limited to food products only but also applicable for any other specific processing such as for textile fiber production, garments, chemical and other inputs, accessories used for processing and manufacturing, plastic, leather, paper and controlled wood products, and for cosmetic, hygiene and cleaning products related processing. Through this approach, certified finished products can convey the confidence that all contributed materials and / or processes have been equally and individually certified.
Fundamental to this program is the explicit understanding that it requires the full faith and confidence of all participants. Applicants are obliged to adhere to all of the terms and conditions of the program; and an agreement to that effect must be executed prior to commencement of the certification.